Monday 7 February 2011

Frankenstein Anticipation Guide

1. The key to all emotional healing can be found in nature. Disagree

2. Nature is filled with harsh cruelties Agree

3. A person’s priorities should place family before work- Disagree

4. Enjoying life is more important than pursuing fame, glory, and knowledge- Disagree

5. Those born with social and financial advantages have a responsibility for those who are not- Disagree

6. Ignorance is bliss- Disagree

7. The pursuit of knowledge is a volatile quest. Agree

8. Someone’s ego (over-inflated sense of self-worth or superiority) will cause a tragic fall. Agree

9. Children learn their behaviours by watching and mimicking adults. Agree

10. Most people are basically cruel. Agree

11. Society makes a person whatever he becomes. Disagree

12. The “disenfranchised man,” who finds himself unable to live within society for whatever reason, is someone for whom we should feel sympathy or reverence. Disagree

13. Rejection and mistreatment can manifest themselves in a person becoming rage-filled. Agree

14. If a person or an animal is treated with cruelty, he will respond to others in the same way. Agree

15. Those people we deem “monsters” in today’s society are merely misunderstood. Disagree

In depth answer:
13. Rejection and mistreatment can manifest themselves in a person becoming rage-filled.
I totally agree with this statement. One of the most important problems that schools face at all levels is bullying among pupils.
Bullying is basically making fun of, picking on or harassing somebody for what is perceived as either physical or mental differences or weaknesses from the rest of the school body.
If somebody goes to school every day and is made fun of then this will have a massive influence on their personality. When you have problems in a location where you spend a major amount of your time in, then it will definitely affect you and how you deal with other situations. For example you will be so upset from school than when you go home you might take out all of your anger on your parents, your brother or sister or even worse your pet which is completely defenceless and totally trusting.
Some of the effects of people being bullied are depression and anger. You will probably become really angry and touchy and react to every single thing, even innocent remarks that are not intended to hurt. You will be so frustrated that one day you will literally just lose it. One day all of the anger and frustration you are keeping inside you will just explode. This has happened several times in history. One such example is the Columbine shooting. On April 20th 1999 in Columbine High School, two senior students entered the school with guns and started shooting at other students. As a result of their rampage, 12 students and one teacher died while another 21 students were injured. The main reason why these two kids behaved in this way was because they had been bullied for a long period of time, one day they simply lost it and wanted revenge.

14. If a person or an animal is treated with cruelty, he will respond to others in the same way. Agree

I found one day in school a boy of medium size ill treating a smaller boy. I expostulated, but he replied: ‘The bigs hit me, so I hit the babies; that’s fair.’ In these words he epitomised the history of the human race”- Bertrand Russell.
I definitely agree with this statement. When it comes to animals, such as dogs, this is not correct. Animals do not have an understanding of good or bad. If your dog does something wrong and you hit them, they won’t treat you in the same way. They don’t even know why they are in trouble let alone retaliate. All they know is that they are loyal and they love their boss and whatever their owner does is for a reason. When it comes to humans though it is the exact opposite. We humans need to understand that two wrongs don’t make a right. The fact is that for the most part, people who do things to others is because they have been treated badly as well. A good example for this, again, is bullying. School bullies usually have other motives for bullying. In most cases, a bully acts this way because he has other problems. For example if he is beaten at home he feels defenceless and he can’t do anything, so in his mind he picks on others in order to feel better about himself. They may have been bullied as well, so they need to make others feel the same way. Others are just mentally ill and just like seeing others hurt, Mark Twain said "Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one who inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it”.
In general, people who have been treated badly are most likely to do the same to others. One of my favourite quotes that really applies to this is by Carl Jung, a Swiss Psychologist. : "The healthy man does not torture others - generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers"

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